award · creative blogger award

Creative Blogger Award!


This is a humble yet proud moment for Harebells Crochet.

I got nominated for the Creative Blogger Award by the lovely René of Periwinkle Pursuits! Thank you so much! Go and check out her blog.

The rules for the Creative Blogger Award are:

  1. Thank the person who nominated you and include a link to their blog.
  2. Share five facts about yourself.
  3. Nominate 15 – 20 bloggers and add their links.
  4. Notify the bloggers you included.
  5. Keep the rules in your post.

Five Facts About Me

  1. I have a huge passion for Linguistics. I’ve always loved English but this surpasses all! As a consequence, I am a complete grammar nerd and everything has to be in alphabetical order as far as possible.
  2. I have an even bigger passion for shoes – perhaps it’s a good job my feet are quite narrow because it means I have a job to get ones that fit well!
  3. I can’t have only one project on the go. I get bored, usually when I’ve got halfway through something. I need variety.
  4. I am currently preparing for Grade 8 on both the violin and piano. Yes I know – it’s tough, believe me!
  5. I love wearing smart clothes – even my ‘casual’ look is smarter than average!

I would like to nominate…

Only participate if you would like to – don’t feel pressured! 🙂

Do go and take a peek at all these lovely blogs and be inspired by their creativity!

Have a lovely day everyone!

‘Til next time!

Eleanor x

12 thoughts on “Creative Blogger Award!

  1. Congratulations Elanor, and thank you for thinking of me. I too get bored half way through most projects and also have loads of things on the go! X


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